Comparison of Solar and Wind efficiencies

The purpose of this page is to do an approximate comparison of the efficiency of land use of both technologies. For this purpose potential annual energy production is compared with land use that is dedicated to the technology:

The calculations below demonstrate that the a wind turbine with a compound of 0.5 acres in size generates about 3100kWh/m2, whereas a solar farm in Devon would generate about 47kWh/m2.

Energy per safe area is more comparable with solar farm yields, the only difference being that the Land outide the compound can be used for other agricultural purposes.

Wind Turbine

Some basic statistics:

Foundation diameter1520MetresExtracted from FOUNDATIONS FOR WIND TURBINES Octagonal shallow mat foundations design example.
Compound Area20004000Metres2 Compound is an area around the tower for ?????
Turbine Rated power2.3MW Based on Enercon E82 EP2
Tower Height7885Metres
Rotor Diameter8282Metres
Safe Area Radius130.9138.6Metres Diameter of circle centred on turbine tower, which should not contain occupied buildings, roads, etc. This is the height from ground to top of the rotor swept area plus 10%
Safe AreaMetres 2See above
Assumed average wind speed7Metres/sec
Annual energy generation6200MWhInterpolated from graph in turbine spec
Energy/ compoundarea kWh/m2
Energy/Safe area kWh/m2

Note that the compound occupies a much smaller area than the safe area, so the majority of the safe can be used for agricultural or other similar purposes.

Solar Farm

Basic statistics

Energy yield - Devon950kWh/kWp Typical annual yield for 1kWp of PV panels
kW for 25 acre solar farm5000kW
25 acre solar farm25acre
kW per acre200kW/acre
acres to m24046.98acre/m2

This seems a bit low so here is a cross check with my own system, whose figures I have more accurately.

Cross check with domestic system

My annual production4000kWh
Area of panels24m2

Other references